
You can play Gamecube/Wii Games on the PC?

You will be using an emulator called "Dolphin". This is a free, legal piece of software that is open source with a large community backing the project. You can always find the newest version of the program here.

But what about the games? The disk isn't loading in my PC...

There is a few ways you can get the files off the disk, including though your computer or via a Wii. Check out this wiki page for more info.

So how about making these games HD?

There are people that re-skin/re-model games in their free time. Communities of these people have gathered to this forum. Here are the games we have played with on stream:

Xenoblade Chronicles

After the first day of streaming, I was running into issues with video stutter and then audio popping/clicking. Many tests were had but the best we have come to so far follows...

Thanks to GamingPhailer for all the tips and troubleshooting help


What is the issue with chroma?

What is Dolphin