0 Unplayed.tv - Bot Commands 1If you see this, the number is 1 or below2

Custom Commands

Command Response Permissions
!addcom Add a command to the bot.
!addcom !test this is an test.
!editcom Edits a current command.
!editcom !test this is a test.
!delcom Deletes a current command.
!delcom !test
!bookmark Creates a bookmark for editors to look at.
!bookmark Morag drank a taco!
!caster <username>
!follow <username>
Promotes a fellow caster
Response: Make sure to go follow %display_name% (Last game played: %game%) --> http://www.twitch.tv/%name% ~
!cs or !song
Displays current song information for http://game.rainwave.cc/
Response: ♫ Current Song: %title% (%album%) by %artist% -- Vote on music at http://game.rainwave.cc ♫
Isa !lastsong
Displays last song information for http://game.rainwave.cc/
Response: ♫ Last Song: %title% (%album%) by %artist% -- Vote on music at http://game.rainwave.cc ♫
!setgame Sets the !game command with information
!setgame %link_to_game%
!status Displays current stream status and game.
!time Displays Morag's current time.
Response: Current Morag Time: %time%
!uptime Displays how long the stream has been live if currently live.
Response: Stream has been live for %hours%h:%minutes%m:%seconds%s.

Basic Commands

Command Response Permissions
$4subAll Gifted and new subs are 20% off! http://mor.ag/suball
2ndrun2ndrun Reruns/VODcasts have been put on holdall
3dscapturecardMorag uses a capture card with his 3DS. You can get it at http://www.3dsvideocapture.comall
3dsmodThis is where you get the 3ds mod with a gamecube controller http://3dscapture.com/order.htmlall
4jfFFV Four Job Fiesta -- http://fourjobfiesta.com/about.php -- Random: WhiteMage / Knight / RedMage / Chemistall
500At 500 subscribers Morag will do a special stream from a bathtub; !subtub400 for the VoD of the last one.all
aa1Check out this clip! Elspeth playing Prey! https://clips.twitch.tv/BigTentativeFungusKappaRossall
aboutMore about tehMorag - http://mor.ag/aboutall
addonsWoW classic addons: classiccodex ( https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/classiccodex ) - greyhandling ( https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/greyhandling )all
adsMorag takes timed ad break? NOPE! Feel free to tweet the stream out, sub, tell a friend, or scroll down to see other ways you can support the channel!all
alttpMorag is playing a Randomized Item version of A Link to the Past (v8): http://beegunslingers.com/all
amazon[Support] Buy things on Amazon? Help the stream out and buy through these links - US: bit.ly/tehAmzUS - Canada: bit.ly/tehAmzCAall
amazoneu[Support] Buy things on Amazon? Help the stream out and buy through these links - UK: http://mor.ag/amazonUK - DE: http://mor.ag/amazonDE - ES: http://mor.ag/amazonES - FR: http://mor.ag/amazonFR - IT: http://mor.ag/amazonITall
antiheroAntihero Charity Clash - Winner of the clash will get $10,000 for the charity they're representing! - tehMorag will be representing St. Jude -- Info/donate: http://antihero.tiltify.comall
assProgram for MH3U armor sets, weapon info, and much more - http://forums.minegarde.com/topic/5304-athenas-armor-set-search-for-mh3g-and-mh3u/all
astropatchAstroneer Patch Notes: https://steamcommunity.com/app/361420/discussions/1/152391995423906096/all
audibleSign up for 2 free audio books with http://mor.ag/audibleUSall
avenAven Colony (Beta): $29.99 USD! https://mothership.itch.io/aven-colonyall
azonesGreen = no PvP -- Yellow = limited PvP (both parties have to be flagged) -- Red = PvP, only one party has to be flagged (unflagged = little bonus in combat), you lose items on death -- Black = all bets off.all
backBaby Got?all
baconHere is your bacon: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/31/Made20bacon.pngall
badratshttp://imgur.com/9YkEEf8 Badrats HYPEall
bankheist [̲$̲(̲₳₳)̲$̲] ₳₳ YOU WIN! ₳₳ [̲$̲(̲₳₳)̲$̲]all
barbieMorag can sing! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMu0ZqomP9Uall
bingoJoin tehMorag and others in chat in playing along in this year's VGA Bingo. First 5 winners to notify on Discord will win a random game! https://bingobaker.com/play/2673181all
bioMore about tehMorag - http://mor.ag/aboutall
blackwakeBlackwake | (PC - PREALPHA) - Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2000479544/blackwake-rebootall
blindThis is a blind first playthrough. No story spoilers (from the anime, other games, etc.) & no hints and/or solutions to puzzles, please!all
bnsLooking to get this game for when it comes out? Check out the Founders Packs - http://bit.ly/BnSFoundersPackall
bnwBrave New World is an overhaul mod for Final Fantasy VI that aims to improve upon the original game in many ways including rebalancing and bug fixing. http://ngplus.net/index.php?/forums/topic/1015-brave-new-world-20-is-now-available/all
bombgameStream: http://store.steampowered.com/app/341800 -- Bomb Manual: http://www.bombmanual.comall
bookmarksList of Channel bookmarks of last 3 months -- http://mor.ag/bookmarksall
break>> During breaks this is your time to shine! Promote what you do~ Make sure to give 1-2 sentences about what you do and include your Twitter and a link your work. This is a free chance to tell people what you do - Don't waste it!all
browserGet alerted through Chrome/Firefox addon: http://myapp.wips.com/tehmorags-unplayed-extensionall
bsgYou are ALLOWED to: Talk about the game, lore, mechanics and builds, talk about what you would do if in the same/similar situation -- You are NOT ALLOWED to: Talk about direct spoilers, Tell me what exactly to do (need to, should, must, go...), Try to control my character -- If I have not seen it in game, don't say anything -- Thank you for reading :Dall
btagtehMorag#1229 -- Friends list is cleared from time to timeall
btbhttp://www.twitch.tv/wshand/v/15162507 wshand's Beyond the Broadcast with tehMoragall
btdBeat the Dev is a Streamer vs Developer in a 3 day event to benefit the environment via "Sierra Club" (http://www.sierraclub.org/about) Donate: http://tinyurl.com/fornatureall
bttvChat mod: http://www.nightdev.com/betterttv/all
bufferingAre you buffering? Take it off Auto and set it to Highall
buildDauntless repeater build: https://dauntlessbuildsearch.ml/?1n0iTPmZ6M_30VL_600K2Wall
bundlesSupport game companies/charities and get your game bundles here: HumbleBundle.com - IndieGala.com - IndieRoyale.com - bundlestars.com - groupees.comall
busesareevilDue to a Ticket Issue, Stream today might be delayedall
buttonPress it... http://unplayed.tv/extra/buttonall
buyitBUY IT DEMON GIRL!! SwiftRage http://i.imgur.com/rxru8SU.pngall
calendarBroadcasting Schedule with full list games played (check bottom for tabs) -> http://mor.ag/calendarall
camtehMorag keeps the cam off during cut scenes :)all
campingtehMorag will be gone camping Thursday and Friday - There is a chance of a Camping/Hiking stream while up there ?all
cardsThey are just abilities! BibleThumpall
ccThe Close Caption (CC) is put out by the broadcaster - It is not Twitchs fault it is so bad it is good. Blame tehMoragall
charity2018 St. Jude PLAYLIVE for MAY! -- Every Donation is 1 lick of a mealworm sucker - Every $20: Bean Boozled bean - Every $200: Burn or Bliss chocolate -- More goals/rewards/incentives: http://mor.ag/stjudeplaylive -- Donate: https://tiltify.com/@tehmorag/tehmorag-playerhood-playlive-2018/donateall
chatCommunity update (Feb 2018) - https://www.twitch.tv/videos/228578523all
chattyBest Twitch IRC Client http://chatty.github.io/all
choicevoteHow to vote on sub choice saturday: a poll will come in at every 5th interval of time, you can vote more or less time (You Decide)all
chronoYou like Chono? I like Chrono tehWall
clgtehMorag has joined CLG -> http://mor.ag/JoiningCLG - Full interview: http://clgaming.net/news/831-welcome-clg-streamers-tehmorag-ikasperrall
codedsummaryRe:coded movie summary -- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1igDL0HRBKulFxEmIlhDOe0DvjgJIseKkHk_h4DAMYO4/edit?usp=sharingall
commandstehBots current Commands: http://mor.ag/commandsall
cookieHAVE A COOKIE http://orteil.dashnet.org/cookieclicker/all
cpuAMD Ryzen 5 3600 3.6 GHz 6-Core Processorall
creaCrea is a 2D Adventure Platformer with digging Gameplay - It also has leveling via EXP categories, Crafting research, Zone levels and Different realms.all
cringe"Cringe" is only your lack of experiences and understanding. One day you will mature and grow up... maybe.all
cthctehMorag must beat the game with Crono/Lucca/Magus -- More info on the website: http://fourjobfiesta.com/cthc/all
cupHave a CUP - \_/ - U - tehCUP - tehCall
cupsNon-sub Cups: \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ -- Sub Cups: tehCUP tehCUP tehCUP tehCUP tehCUPall
dauntlessSign up & play Dauntless for free :D https://playdauntless.com/r/tehmorag (disclaimer: I am a partner with Dauntless, I currently get nothing by you using this link)all
day365songHere's the MP3 for tehMorag's Intro Song from Day 365: bit.ly/tehMoragIntroSongall
dbdCheck out the Nightmare on Elm street DLC - http://i.try.games/SH1YWall
dctDual Chin Tuftsall
dd2Dungeon Defenders II | http://bit.ly/GetDD2PC | http://bit.ly/GetDD2PS4 | http://bit.ly/GetDD2XBOXall
dd2lootDD2 Max Gear Sell Values: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PNFslftU37q0KKEY-2EaxasXFpg2wkGr2kcu8UJ1XqQ/edit#gid=0all
ddaDungeon Defenders: Awakened kickstarter -- LAST DAY! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/chromaticgames/dungeon-defenders-awakenedall
dealsWant to see the all the latest bundles and coupons for games? http://isthereanydeal.com/specialsall
deathsCurrent Count: 33all
deckUsing all the basic decks you get in game - No cards have been addedall
demoDemo is fully available on June 30th -- NA: Check email or $4 level on https://www.humblebundle.com/e3-digital-ticket -- EU: Login at http://www.nintendo.co.uk/Games/Nintendo-3DS/Monster-Hunter-Generations-1090846.htmlall
dexProgram for MH4U info -https://sites.google.com/site/pingsdex/pingsmh4gdexall
dffList of characters & movesets in Dissidia: Final Fantasy (Closed Beta) - http://weblet.square-enix.com/dissidiaffnt-moves/all
dffntAny new subs from now on will get a code for a Dissidia Final Fantasy NT beta code for the PS4all
discordOpen to all! Come join the fun: https://discord.gg/tehMorag tehW /all
dmcaList of KH:MOM songs that cant be recorded: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/78798364040245248/776537661975691304/Screenshot_20201112-120239_Drive.jpgall
dreadInterested in 5v5 Battles with bigass Spaceships? Then sign up for the Dreadnought Beta, over at https://www.greybox.com/dreadnought/en/. The Beta will start early 2016. More Infos also on the Website.all
dreamteamMorag & DrMaple are a Dream Team! http://i.minus.com/ibiZ5f0RmbE2sQ.gifall
drivePlayerhood TwitchCon Drive! GOAL REACHED! 'Vixtar7' is going to TwitchCon How about a party at TwitchCon now? :D - Bidding war for FF6 characters - http://mor.ag/driveall
drlistList of deceased characters so far, in order: Sayaka, Junko, Leon, Chihiro, Mondo, Taka/Ishimaru, Hifumi, Celeste, Sakura, Alter Ego, Mukuro, Junkoall
dscaptureMorag uses a capture card with his 3DS. You can get it at http://www.3dsvideocapture.comall
e3notesE3 2015 Notes: http://bit.ly/tehE32015 -- Bingo?! http://i.imgur.com/OzGTPO0.jpgall
earthfallEarthfall | bit.ly/2qtf8IW ($14.99 early access on steam - 1 campaign/1 game mode available now - Apr 2018 release)all
edmWhat is EDM? It's basically the entire genre from techno, trance, dubstep, house, big room, etcall
emailEmail: tehMail@tehMorag.tvall
emotesTwitch global emotes: http://twitchemotes.com -- Sub emotes: http://mor.ag/subemotesall
enhancespaghettipolicyIt checks outall
epicEpic Creator Code: TEHMORAGall
eventsSee and get alerts for Channel events -- https://www.twitch.tv/tehmorag/eventsall
extra What is this? http://unplayed.tv/extra/all
facmapCurrent Map settings: http://puu.sh/nVmJM/888d1b8ca2.jpgall
factcalcBad Factorio calc: http://unplayed.tv/factcalc/all
factorio Factorio website: https://www.factorio.com/all
farmin⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣀⣀⣀⣀⣀⣀⣀⣀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠻⡿⠛⠛⠛⠛⠻⢿⡿⠃⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡄⡇⠀⠀ tehTP ⠀⠈⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠠⣧⣇⠀⠀⠀⣀⣤⣶⣷⠀⠠⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⣀⠀⣠⣤⢀⣀⣠⣤⣤⣤⣤⣤⣿⣿⣿⣄⣼⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣦⣀⠀⠀⠀ ⢰⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠛⠛⠛⠛⠻⣿⣷⠀⠀ ⣸⣿⣿⣿⡿⠛⠛⠛⠻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⣿⡷⠀ ⠻⢿⣿⡏⠀⠀⣶⠀⠀⢻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⣧⣀ ⠀⠀⢹⣷⡀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣿⣿⣉⡉⠉⠉⠉⠉⢙⣿⣷⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣼⣿⠛⠓ ⠀⠈⠛⠛⠛⠓⠒⠚⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠋⠙⠛⠛⠛⠛⠟⠿⠷⠶⠶⠾⠿⢿⠿⠿⠿ Don't mind me, just a feller out on the farmall
favgametehMorag's favorite game of all time is Tetris Attack for SNES. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetris_Attackall
fcSwitch Friend Code: sw-2102-2607-0048all
fcalcFactior calulator: https://kirkmcdonald.github.io/calc.html (Check settings to set it up for your use cases)all
feedbackHave something good or bad to say? Let me know: http://mor.ag/feedbackall
ffWant to play "Final Fantasy" but never have? Check out this small picture guide to the series -> http://i.imgur.com/bJRQLSA.jpg ( Top RPGs to play: http://kotaku.com/the-20-jrpgs-you-must-play-1222229344 )all
ff12Classes being used: http://puu.sh/wGI2N/e8b0b897f5.txt (all class challenge)all
ff12diffList of FF12: The Zodiac Age differences: http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Final_Fantasy_XII#Final_Fantasy_XII_The_Zodiac_Ageall
ff12infoClasses being used: http://puu.sh/wGI2N/e8b0b897f5.txt (all class challenge) - 100% progress: http://mor.ag/ffxii100 (achiv/espers)all
ff12jobsClasses being used: http://puu.sh/wGI2N/e8b0b897f5.txt (all class challenge) - 100% progress: http://mor.ag/ffxii100all
ff14Endwalker MSQ will only be played during 6pm-midnight PST. If I am live any other time, it will be Class grinding - Recruitment Code: 28C79MMEall
ff14codeRecruit a friend code: FHVVYA8Pall
ff14friendtehMorag plays on Famfrit (DataServer: Primal) -- Recruit-a-friend code: PKS2PVC8all
ff14servertehMorag plays on Famfrit (DataServer: Primal) -- Recruit-a-friend code: PKS2PVC8all
ff5notesLet me know if anything else should be added - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1S9-GRD0_prbqmzJpx-byhvIuCDhFWMG_gTHfAqQ6Bas/all
ff7fixUsing SweetFX (Advanced Version) [http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=162106660] and The Reunion (R04c) [http://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=14914.0]all
ff7ntFinal Fantasy VII | New Threat 2.0 - https://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=14938.0all
ffccFFCC Friendcode: 3737-4288-7515all
ffcountupFinal Fantasy Count Up (July 25-Sept 30) w/ 30+ content creators http://ffcountup.com #FFCountUpall
ffrestehMorag is playing at 1080p, Everything on + Highest Settings (w/o turning on hidden gfx settings) - Getting dips of 40fps, but over all setting at 55+ fps for 90% of the time -- Using a Evga 1070 8GB (08G-P4-6173-KR)all
fftriTaking down the first set of 3 games! One after another~all
ffzhttps://www.frankerfacez.com/ - https://ffzap.lordmau5.com/all
flareLooking for a Dauntless tehDUCKY flare? Sub to the channel and send a message to tehMorag to get a code!all
followemotesAll Follow emotes are Communtiy pets! New one every week - Post your pet in Discord for a chance to get it as an emote! discord.gg/tehMoragall
fontCurrent Font being used for FFPR - FF6: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15Nqm6WrsuhkNiu1Y3ptWYGLQnclMD2ko/viewall
fortniteFortnite is an action building game focused on exploration, discovery, building with shooter, RPG, & progression aspects. You are tasked with saving the world from an oncoming storm and the onslaught of enemies called Husks. epicgames.com/fortniteall
foxMorag singing What Does the Fox Say http://www.twitch.tv/tehmorag/c/3452439all
freeFree Games Friday \ tehW /all
freesubTwitch Prime is for all Amazon Prime users (now over 200 countries!) - Free Sub, Extra game goodies, and the benefits of Turbo -- Signup: https://twitch.amazon.com/primeall
frustratedtehMorags second monitor died ... This is how he is he is casting now https://twitter.com/tehMorag/status/588073920395378692all
ftbto get any of the FTB modpacks go this website and download the launcher (including FTB infinity | http://www.feed-the-beast.com/all
ftb17FTB Infinity 1.7 (v1.6.2) http://www.feed-the-beast.com | Mod List https://feedthebeast.atlassian.net/wiki/display/PML/Infinity+1.7 | Texture pack(if on): Faithful http://f32.me | BigReactor program: http://pastebin.com/p4zeq7Maall
gamble[̲$̲(̲₳₳)̲$̲] ₳₳ YOU WIN! ₳₳ [̲$̲(̲₳₳)̲$̲]all
gameCurrently Playing: FINAL FANTASY XIV ONLINEall
gamelistMorags game list on Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tehMorag/games/all
gamesBroadcasting Schedule with full list games played -> http://mor.ag/calendarall
gameslistMorags game list on Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tehMorag/games/all
gblNew Years Gaming Challenge has been renamed... Gaming Bucket List! -- http://mor.ag/GBLall
gdqWatch tehMorag and GDQ at the same time (doesnt work on mobile) -- https://multistre.am/gamesdonequick/tehMorag/ -- Schedule: http://www.gamesdonequick.com/scheduleall
gearFull specs and gear list: http://mor.ag/gearall
gemsCheck out the Twtich Hidden Gems -- http://www.twitch.tv/team/gemsall
getsmashed#GetSm4shed -- tehunplayed.tv/getsmashed/all
gfs[Support] GameFanShop deals -> http://mor.ag/gamefanshop (Use 'tehcode' for another 3% off)all
gigPlaying Gigantic Sunday 6-8pm! -- Go check out the game www.gogigantic.com/tehMorag \ tehW /all
giveawayYou want a Hunt Pass upgrade or +5 levels? Just ask! ?all
gmg[Support] Check out Greenman Gaming for the best game deals: http://mor.ag/greenmangaming -- No need for code anymore, just click the link and log in!all
guestTonight's guest can be found at https://www.twitch.tv/DancingFighter & https://twitter.com/Dancing_Fighterall
hairMorag had dyed his facial hair purple and cut half of it for Mays #StJudePLAYLIVE fundraiser month - Doesn't it look silly? http://unplayed.tv/event/playersliveall
haircutMoragVsRazor Part 1 http://www.twitch.tv/tehmorag/v/3774264 | Part 2 http://www.twitch.tv/tehmorag/v/3774318all
hearts#MonthofHearts -- Welcome to the 4th annual Month of Hearts: EZ mode edition - A full playthough of the Kingdom hearts games (order: 1,com,2,bbs,DDD,0.2,3) on the easiest difficulty. This will lead into the release of Kingdom Hearts 3 DLC on January 23rd -- Get your Keyblades ready! tehW tehBLADEall
help-> Hey there! Please scroll down below the stream for any information or ask in chatall
hugs/me hugs the chat.all
humbleSupport the stream when buying from Humble Bundle - http://mor.ag/humble -- Also with Humble Monthly - http://mor.ag/HumbleMonthlyall
hypeseptALL New subs are 50% off [$5/10/25] (Sept 6-Oct 2) ||| Type #charity when using bits to make Twitch give money to charity! (Sept 6-19)all
ignorelistSee who you have ignored http://twitchstuff.3v.fi/ignored/all
incentiveCurrent Donation Incentive: Every time we reach a Stretch Goal, ThunderCast will read a story! Stretch Goals: $200 = One Fish, Two Fish. $400 = ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas. $600 = Go the F*ck to Sleep. $800 = You Have to F*cking Eat. $1000 = Release recordings of each reading later for download! Also, for every $150+ single donation, Thunder will do a ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas “Technical Version” Reading.all
info>> Welcome to The Playerhood! Live: WHEN I HAVE TIME tehW — Keep the chat 24/7 on Discord - https://discord.gg/tehMoragall
inventorytehMorags Steam inventory: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tehMorag/inventory#753all
iosccClose Caption on iOS it's a system wide setting - To change it... Settings -> General -> Accessibility -> Subtitles & Captioning -> Closed Captions + SHDall
ipMy IP is...
irt/me TACCCOO'sall
jackassI'm a jackass and can be seen some Saturdays on the Jackass Pod Cast over on https://www.twitch.tv/jacklifearall
jackboxJoin in on the fun! Enter the room code on screen and your username. \ tehW / https://jackbox.tv/ [Twitch Login MAY be required]all
java-XX:+UseG1GC -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=2147483646 -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M -Dfml.readTimeout=180all
jobtehMorag currently works at London Drugs - He is part time and sells/fixes/builds Computersall
journeyMorag is playing Classic Difficulty on Master Mode with the special 05162020 seed. https://terraria.gamepedia.com/World_Seed#05162020all
khConfused about the Kingdom Hearts story? Read this, it has lots of pictures: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8cPyvE2GTjOMzE4MTVlZTctMjE5Yi00YzAzLWJjZTAtZTllODY2OTc2MTMx/view?usp=sharingall
kh1Proud mode - Took Staff / Sac Sword - Midday expall
kh100tehMorag is going to play all the games first, then after, he will decide if we are going to 100% games with choices coming from the community.all
kh2Critical mode - Took defense struggle bat [+1 def] / Took shield [Fastest Once More & Second Chance]all
khgamesConfused about KH games and the .5 numbers? http://puu.sh/tifvH/7bc19797d3.txtall
khrebirthTheory for KH3 - http://forums.khinsider.com/kingdom-hearts-iii/194630-rebirth.htmlall
khstoryKingdom Hearts story with Pictures! (missing 0.2 and Dream Drop) -- https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-9wgOSEG0sqWl9ZQjFrQXpXaEU/viewall
khtimelineOrder of Kingdom Hearts games: KHχ > BBS > 0.2 > KH1 > CoM > 358/2 > KH2 > Re:Coded > KHDDD > KH3 -- http://i.imgur.com/HlURgcm.jpgall
kittenstehCAT http://bloodrizer.ru/games/kittens/all
laggCheck what is causing FPS/TPS issues - LagGoggles: https://github.com/TerminatorNL/LagGogglesall
learningMorag is choosing to learn the fight/puzzle with the current strategy and without extra handicaps (unneeded items/leveling) - It might look silly to you, but it is how he wants to learn itall
liftMorag lifts every day Kappaall
lightsUse Channel Points to interact with the Lights - Change the colors or make it do a pattern (Subbing also does unique things)all
lm2notesLa-Mulana 2 Community stream notes: http://mor.ag/lamulana2notesall
lootcrate[Support] Loot Crate delivers epic geek & gaming gear monthly for just $13.95 - http://mor.ag/lootcrate - Code for 10% off: tehall
lose[̲$̲(̲₳₳)̲$̲] ₳₳ THERE IS NO LOSING, ONLY WIN! ₳₳ [̲$̲(̲₳₳)̲$̲]all
loser[̲$̲(̲₳₳)̲$̲] ₳₳ THERE IS NO LOSING, ONLY WIN! ₳₳ [̲$̲(̲₳₳)̲$̲]all
love/me Hugs you!all
lurkers/me ~~ Lurkers are Love, Lurkers are Life ~~all
mapCurrent Terraria Map: Tales of the Terrarian [http://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/tales-of-the-terrarian.43625/]all
matchtehMorag achieved 1,000,000 hours watched on the channel. He will be matching giftsubs (up to 500) till the end of the month.all
mcdiscordMonteCrypto Discords: https://discord.gg/DHgk3yq --https://discord.gg/4TfgzN -- https://discordapp.com/invite/ZaQ8Zq3all
mealIngredients: Peppers (bell), Onions, Hashbrowns (diced), Bacon, Cheese (cheddar), Eggs, in a Pesto Wrap.all
meatspin[̲$̲(̲₳₳)̲$̲] ₳₳ YOU WIN! ₳₳ [̲$̲(̲₳₳)̲$̲]all
merchFirst merch! The "Not a Cup" mug -- https://streamlabs.com/tehmorag/merch/881681all
mh3dexProgram for MH3U info - https://sites.google.com/site/pingsdex/pingsmh3gdex/en_usall
mhug/me Hugs the best person ever tehMoragall
mhwcontrolsControl changes for Monster Hunter World PC (M+KB) - https://clips.twitch.tv/VastAbnegatePlumberAllenHuhuall
miceCome play Transformice! -> http://www.transformice.com/?id=55071141 -- /room tehmorag -- PW: 111 -- Tutorial: http://www.transformice.com/tutorials/index.phpall
mightymarchEvery sub/resub will get you 5/10/25 of an exercise (within reason...) of your choice for tehMorag to do -- You could also join in and par take as well!all
miitomogoogle play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nintendo.zaaa and apple itune store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/miitomo/id1073816197all
mincentives- Any amount donated to our campaigns will be given to us as money in-game (2:1 ratio)! You can also help us destroy houses/hotels AND purchase loot boxes to randomly affect our game! Check out the Loot Box Options here: https://i.imgur.com/YodeEZe.png Donate: https://tiltify.com/@tehmorag/playerhood-supporting-playlive-2019/donateall
minecraft(PC) Custom map/rules: Map #1 http://thefarlanders.com/captive-minecraft-home With these mods added. AppleSkin, Inventory Tweaks, Just Enough Items (JEI), More Overlays, & Mouse Tweaks.all
minionmastersDownload and Play the game on Steam FOR FREE! - http://minionmastersthegame.com/streamer/tehmorag/all
mixerBehringer X Air XR18all
mkMario Kart 8 Tournament ID -- 6213-1710-0592all
mlcMorag Level Comprehensionall
mldMorag Level Directionsall
mldkMorag Level Dick Kickerall
mlgMorag Level Gamingall
mllMorag Level Logicall
mlmMorag Level Mathall
mlrMorag Level Readingall
mlsMorag Level Spellingall
mlssMorag Level Spreadsheetingall
mltMorag Level Typingall
mlwMorag Level Writingall
mmCheck out all the PoVs of the Murder Mystery -- http://mainmenulive.com/mmstreams.php?streamer=tehMoragall
mmcCommands for your Minion Master puffs - ommands - http://MuddrDev.com/png/e78cbdf7.pngall
mmconMM Level Contest details: http://mor.ag/mmall
mmcoursesCheckout the Super Mario Maker Courses from the Community and the selfmade ones from tehMorag: http://bit.ly/tehMarioall
mmgoodieshttps://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1596118192 -- https://www.reddit.com/r/MinionMasters/comments/bt9gm8/codes_for_new_and_old_players_to_gain_a_massive/all
mmlevelsSuper Mario Maker Courses from tehMorag and the Playerhood - http://mor.ag/MMLevelsall
mmvsndMain Menu vs. NecroDancer -- Early Preview of finished game, Game Keys and Dancepad giveaways, and The Death of the NecroDancer! -- Check for info: http://www.mainmenulive.com/event/mmvsnd -- DAY 2 Dance pad it up! https://gleam.io/r6px3/main-menu-vs-necrodancer-dance-pad-giveaway-day-2 :Dall
modpackSkyFactory 4 | https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/skyfactory-4all
modsTerraria mod list -- tModLoader: http://mor.ag/tmodloader - Modpack/info: http://puu.sh/BEL1T/0dcee1962d.txtall
monthofhearts#MonthofHearts -- Welcome to the 3rd annual Month of Hearts - A full playthough of the Kingdom hearts games (order: 1,com,2,bbs,0.2,DDD,3) that will lead into the release of Kingdom Hearts 3 on January 29 -- Get your Keyblades ready! tehW tehBLADEall
moolaMoola store: http://mor.ag/moola -- To check Moola: /w tehBot !pointsall
moonkillHere we see tehCheese take down the Moon Lord in the most cheesiest way possible http://www.twitch.tv/tehmorag/v/8254394all
moraganeseJust go with itall
moragpremium.me Morag Premium can be bought here: http://mor.ag/suball
moragspinSpinny: http://bit.ly/tehMoragSpin (Thanks V6 [Maker] )all
motherboardMSI B450-A PRO ATX AM4 Motherboardall
movie2.5 remix version of Re: Coded is a 3 hour long movieall
mrlMorag Level Readingall
mrules- We’re playing Monopoly with a twist! Donate to the kids of St. Jude to help your favorite broadcaster demolish houses, purchase random chance loot boxes, and ultimately help them Pay2Win their way to victory! Monopoly Incentives: https://i.imgur.com/CBdkJvB.png Loot Box Options: https://i.imgur.com/YodeEZe.png Donate: https://tiltify.com/@tehmorag/playerhood-supporting-playlive-2019/donateall
muddrhug/me hugs the creatorall
nameWhat we know of the book containing the secret to Morag's name: http://i.imgur.com/0TUYZkg.jpgall
netTwitter: http://twitter.com/tehMorag -- Youtube: http://youtube.com/tehMorag -- Facebook: http://facebook.com/tehMorag-- Instagram: http://instagram.com/tehMorag/ -- Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/tehMoragUnplayed -- Email: tehMail@tehMorag.tvall
nevergiveupNEVER GIVE UP!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxGRhd_iWuEall
newtehMorag has joined CLG -> http://mor.ag/JoiningCLG -- New emotes: tehA tehB tehBB tehQ tehCUP -- Cheermotes are live!all
nieraGame is broken up into 2 halves - First half (Ending A/B) is the first half of the game narrated by 2 different characters - Second half continues where A&B left off in the story concludes with 3 different story endings (Ending C/D/E) -- A complete playthough is about 30-40 hours depending on how many side quests you want to doall
noitaseeds431793203 snow+oil+blood(?)=APall
notesSee all rares/treasures on the map (HandyNotes) with sounds (_NPCScan) - http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/handynotes/ + http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/handynotes_draenortreasures/ + http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/npcscanall
notmycarCheck out the game: http://bit.ly/nmc-TehMoragall
nygcNew Year Game Challenge - http://mor.ag/nygcall
nyneIslands of Nyne: Battle Royal | http://islandsofnyne.com/ | https://twitter.com/IslandsOfNyneall
nypollNew Years Resolution Challenge Vote Here: http://mor.ag/pollall
obstehMorag uses OBS to livestream (Open Broadcaster Software) -- obsproject.com | Free Programall
oceanmanOCEAN MAN ? ? Take me by the hand ✋ lead me to the land that you understand ? ? OCEAN MAN ? ? The voyage ? to the corner of the ? globe is a real trip ? ? OCEAN MAN ? ? The crust of a tan man ? imbibed by the sand ? Soaking up the ? thirst of the land ? OCEAN MAN ? ? Take me by the hand ✋ lead me to the land that you understand ? ? OCEAN MAN ? ? The voyage ? to the corner of the ? globe is a real trip ? ? OCEAN MAN ? ? The crust of a tan man ? imbibed by the sandall
octopathAn upcoming RPG exclusive to the Nintendo Switch from the producers of the Bravely series at Square Enix. https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/project-octopath-traveler-switchall
octovoteFinal Round! Who will be the main character of our journey? https://twitter.com/tehMorag/status/1017403193985138688all
oldusernamesLook up old usersnames -- https://twitch-tools.rootonline.de/username_changelogs_search.phpall
oneshotWhy is Morag skipping levels? Morag is doing the one shot challenge, if he dies he skips the levelall
opinionthat's a cool opinion you have thereall
orisoundtrackOri and the Blind Forest Soundtrack -- Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00TR9P0FA?tag=tehunplayed0e-20 -- Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Gareth_Coker_Ori_and_the_Blind_Forest_Original_Sou?id=Bapd3y63jwkzqogosne4xq4nprq -- iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/ori-blind-forest-original/id971519718 -- Spotify: https://play.spotify.com/album/7xPc1OsC2R0siZKMlzRBIoall
overtimeTimer is for the 'Overtime!' stream! It is a continuation of the Sub-A-Thon from Monday. Any subs/bits/tips will add time to it (SubT1/T2/T3=5/10/30min cheer200/$2=1min "NOT A CUP" merch=10min). This will count down AFTER normal stream time of 6pm-midnight up to 6am. Next goal is 600 for a new Emote Slot.all
packSkyFactory 4 | https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/skyfactory-4all
patchTerraria 1.3.1 change log - http://terraria.gamepedia.com/1.3.1all
patch131.3 Patch notes: http://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/1-3-changelog.20617/all
paxMorag at PAX West 2016 - http://i.imgur.com/a32OTWn.png -- DM's open on Twitter if you want to meet up!all
pingdexPing's Dex, an offline database with all the Pokemon from Gen 1 to Gen 7. https://sites.google.com/site/pingsdex/pingspokedexall
pingplotterMorag uses PingPlotter to monitor his internet connectivity. https://www.pingplotter.com/all
pingsdexPing's PokéDex‎ -- https://sites.google.com/site/pingsdex/pingspokedex/en_usall
pizzaAre you hungry for pizza? Let's make you even hungrier now! https://web.archive.org/web/20160603185449/http://www.rivercitypizza.com/PepperoniPizza-full.jpgall
pizzatopAvailable toppings: peperoni, salami chicken, ham, mushrooms, pineapple, peppers, bacon, tomato paste, ranch, oregano. Subscribe and get a pizza built with your choices!all
pizzatoppingsI want all of them: http://i.imgur.com/oP0s66e.pngall
playerCheck out the Player Portal for all your Goodies, Moola, Ranks and Updates! -- http://mor.ag/ppall
playlive#StJudePLAYLIVE time! - No major push this year, If you wish to donate: https://tiltify.com/@tehmorag/playerhood-supporting-playlive-2020all
pmSend a private message to tehMorag: http://www.twitch.tv/message/compose?to=tehmoragall
pm1.w tehMorag Talk about community(discord, twitter), events (StJudePlaylive), upcoming plans
pm2.w tehMorag Talk about ways of supporting the channel (follow, sub, aff. Links) and Sponsors
poboxMailing Info - Scott Hellyer // PO BOX 99900 FB 221 626 // RPO CHERRY LANE // PENTICTON BC // V2A 0A1 // Canada Send me quackers http://yat0.work/s/tehduckyall
poemapMulti Trade map search - https://easypoe.herokuapp.com/all
pokemontradeIf you are looking to trade pokemon, please use the Pokemon trading Subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/pokemontradesall
pokepexPing's PokéDex‎ -- https://sites.google.com/site/pingsdex/pingspokedex/en_usall
poketeamMorag's Current PokeTeam: Incineroar, Skarmory, ‎Hariyama, Tsareena, Gigalith, & Metangall
pophttp://www.twitter.com/popskyy -- http://www.twitch.tv/popskyy -- http://popskyy.bandcamp.comall
portalRules: DERPY portaldeath/sub = 1 drink -- Donation = Choose - Pink = Cider - Purple = Beer) -- 25% of donations goto extra-life.orgall
ppCheck out the Player Portal for all your Goodies, Moola, Ranks and Updates! -- http://mor.ag/ppall
primeTwitch Prime is for all Amazon Prime users (now over 200 countries!) - Free Sub, Extra game goodies, and the benefits of Turbo -- Signup: https://twitch.amazon.com/primeall
profileFrostblades Assassin -- Build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2093747 -- https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/tehMorag/characters?characterName=tehICYBLADEall
promoNo promo right now :(all
prulesPolitics chat rules, please refrain from: Finger pointing (People Lying, etc) - He-said/she-said (Promise, etc) - Fear mongering (WW3, corruption, etc) - Conspiracy theories as truth (defending a theory)all
pso2JOIN US!! Ship 02: Ur - Code for goodies with making a new character: 10021380 -- Install using PSOTweaker: https://na.arks-layer.com/setup.htmlall
pugs/me pugs the chat.all
purchase.me Morag Premium can be bought here: http://mor.ag/suball
Q4TCWant to hit the goals? @$1000- Will stream sittng on a block of ice on future stream@$2000- Right here, right now, redo "tehVideo" LIVE@$3000- tehDUCKY Cosplay at Twitchcon@$4000- tehDUCKY Cosplay in a Tub on future stream -- https://tiltify.com/events/q4tc-2017/donate/ [Use #ducky in the comment to track]all
quacktehDUCKY *quack*all
quarryThis is Morag's mining turtle program http://pastebin.com/rpXRAZs4all
quoteDid someone say something crazy? Add it to the quote list -> bit.ly/tehQuotes -- Full quote list: bit.ly/tehQuoteListall
quotesList of all Quotes from the stream: http://mor.ag/quotesall
raceCT Holiday Challenge Race w/ Avalonstar, Slackaholicus, Spoonee, and tehMorag-- Rules/Incentives/restriction: https://pastebin.com/idYiAqukall
racingforchangeWelcome to Racing For Change! Dual link: http://kadgar.net/live/tehMorag/sorujin -- Donate: http://bit.ly/RFC2015tehMorag -- Schedule: http://bit.ly/RacingForChange2015 -- Shirt/Hoodie: http://teespring.com/racingforchangeall
radio♫ All music is streamed from http://ocr.rainwave.cc - Vote and check for current/past song on their site! ♫all
rafShip 02: Ur - 10021380all
raidCupping Good Time tehW tehCUPall
remindmeI became used to the controller and it's throwing me offall
remixSwitch between the original or remix soundtrack at your will! Any sub, tip, or cheer will keep it locked in for that amount of time -- Sub = 5min, $1 tip = 1min, 100 cheers = 1min, ect.all
requestsong♫ All music is streamed from http://rainwave.cc - Request/vote for music on the site! (!song for current station) ♫all
rerun>> [Broadcasting Schedule] Live: 6pm-Midnight PST — 2nd Run Rerun/VODCast: daily 6am-Noon PST (!2ndrun for more info) — http://mor.ag/calendar http://mor.ag/gameslistall
retroachievementsSNES Games with achievements: http://retroachievements.orgall
rewardElite Swarmer - https://gleam.io/dxKxx/tehmoragall
rlroomRoom: tehCUP pwd: cupall
rob[̲$̲(̲₳₳)̲$̲] ₳₳ YOU WIN! ₳₳ [̲$̲(̲₳₳)̲$̲]all
roomcaptainWhen becoming the room captain you give the streamer a gift which can be either Heart, Gold, Enemy, Bomb, Empty (its a empty box), Random or Resign <--- (This removes you as the room captain). Enjoyall
roulette[̲$̲(̲₳₳)̲$̲] ₳₳ YOU WIN! ₳₳ [̲$̲(̲₳₳)̲$̲]all
rulesChannel Rules: Be Positive, Dont be a dick - Don't comment on timeouts - Ask a mod for a permit to post a link - Keep CAPITALS/emotes/symbols to a minimum - Most of all, have fun and enjoy your time here (type !bsg for "Backseat Gaming" rules)all
rulesetATTACK ON TEH ISLAND challenge - Finish the game while having the Gravity Globe active all the time. Must play on Expert Mode and cant use Gravity Potions. No other restrictions. (Impossible to use: Mounts, Ropes, and Minecarts - Platforms buggy)all
runCurrent run: KH3 => Critical - All EZ Code options enabled (1 shot, 0 AP, etc. [ All options https://clips.twitch.tv/WanderingStylishDootStoneLightning ])all
runeRune II is an EPIC Action Adventure Game available from the Epic Games Store on November 12th! Make sure to pre-order the game and be ready to hack and slash ALL the things in 12 days! http://bit.ly/rune2 #ad ( Epic Creator Code: TEHMORAG ) - Discord Server: https://discord.gg/playruneall
salemBrowser version of Town of Salem: http://www.blankmediagames.com/TownOfSalemall
santaHe is realall
saturdayThis Saturday at 6PM PST - Special holiday stream with the help of Nintendo! tehOMGall
scCome play a stream game \ tehW / - https://www.streamcaptain.com/ - Add units to the battle!all
schedule[Schedule] Live: 6-midnight (PST-8) Mon-Fri - Weekly schedule posted to Discord/Twitter for info — https://discord.gg/tehMorag tehW /all
seedMorag is playing Classic Difficulty on Master Mode with the special 05162020 seed. https://terraria.gamepedia.com/World_Seed#05162020all
seedsAre you looking for my... seed?all
sellout\ tehW / Give Morag money to do things with it \ tehW /all
server Subs and viewers that have been following for 1 month can join. - Let tehMorag know to get whitelisted.all
sevtechSevTech: Ages is a massive modpack packed with content and progression. This pack focuses on providing the player a long term progression experience with purpose. https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/sevtech-agesall
sf3SkyFactory3 is up on the Curse and Legacy FTB launcher for download! ( https://mods.curse.com/modpacks/minecraft/256183-ftb-presents-skyfactory-3 )all
sf3sieveSkyFactory 3.0 Sieve Loot Tables - http://bit.ly/SF3sievetableall
sfcalcSatisfactory calculator: https://rblom9517.pythonanywhere.com/satisfactoryall
shadersVanilla 1.13.2: Optifine and Sildurs Vibrant shaders for 1.13.2 ( https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding-java-edition/minecraft-mods/1291396-1-6-4-1-13-sildurs-shaders-pc-mac-intel-vibrant )all
shocklocktehMorag is not using Shocklock for this boss - He wants the extra challangeall
shots/me takes a shot! *It's 5pm somewhere* \ tehW /all
shoutoutShout out to you! tehBIRDall
sickMorag hasn't been able to cast lately because he has been gravely ill (but is now medicated to get better), to keep up with his happening be sure to check his twitter https://twitter.com/tehMoragall
skipsongCant skip! but... ♫ All music is streamed from http://rainwave.cc - Request/vote for music on the site! (!song for current station) ♫all
slStream Legends popout - https://streamlegends.com/t/tehmorag/popoutall
smashMain Menu Smash Clash -- https://medium.com/@MainMenuLive/main-menu-smash-clash-march-1st-78dc4f2076ddall
smashedRules: Winner giver gives out 2 drinks -- You die, takes a drink -- Loser givers out 4 drinksall
smashlocksCharacter unlocks: http://i.imgur.com/y7T4V10.pngall
smsIf you are subbed, you can get Text messages for when stream goes live: http://www.twitch.tv/settings/notificationsall
smugThis is a Pay2Smug channel tehWall
snmfCheck out all the SNMF point-of-views! bit.ly/SNMFIGHT -- Looking for a hunt? Join http://www.twitch.tv/snmfhunts/all
socialTwitter: twitter.com/tehMorag -- Youtube: youtube.com/tehMorag -- Facebook: facebook.com/tehMoragUnplayed -- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tehMorag/ -- Steam: steamcommunity.com/groups/tehMoragUnplayed -- Email: tehMail@tehMorag.tvall
songlist♫ All music is streamed from http://rainwave.cc - Request/vote for music on the site! (!song for current station) ♫all
songlst♫ All music is streamed from http://rainwave.cc - Request/vote for music on the site! (!song for current station) ♫all
songrequest♫ All music is streamed from http://rainwave.cc - Request/vote for music on the site! (!song for current station) ♫all
songs♫ All music is streamed from http://rainwave.cc - Request/vote for music on the site! (!song for current station) ♫all
soonCopyright 2013 - 2022 tehMorag "Soon" does not imply any particular date, time, decade, century, or millennia in the past, present, and certainly not the future. "Soon" shall make no contract or warranty between Morag and the end user. "Soon" will arrive some day, Morag does guarantee that "soon" will be here before the end of time. Maybe. Do not make plans based on "soon" as Morag will not be liable for any misuse, use, or even casual glancing at "soon."all
spSecret Ponchos is a fast paced western shootout - Lots of Keys to give away today! - Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/265750/all
spaceAll space games are NMSall
spacecalcAstroneer Spaceship Calculator - http://mor.ag/astrospacecalcall
spambotThere is nothing to fear from them if you do the following steps: Report it Ignore it, Move onall
spambotsThere is nothing to fear from them if you do the following steps: Report it Ignore it, Move onall
spelunkySpelunky Death Roulette: Get ur bets up to see how morag gonna die so epically http://spelunkyroulette.sparklinlabs.com/play/tehmoragall
spin[̲$̲(̲₳₳)̲$̲] ₳₳ YOU WIN! ₳₳ [̲$̲(̲₳₳)̲$̲]all
squadCheck out all 3 streams https://www.twitch.tv/tehMorag/squadall
sr♫ All music is streamed from http://rainwave.cc - Request/vote for music on the site! (!song for current station) ♫all
starboundThis is the update patch notes for The Huge Winter Update http://steamcommunity.com/games/211820/announcements/detail/159085165359951726all
starcitSignup to play for free this week \ tehW / http://mor.ag/StarCitizenSignup -- Then use: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/promotions/IAE_Free_Flyall
stardewBuy, sell, and work ratios for Buy/growing seeds - http://mor.ag/SDVCalc -- Wiki: http://stardewvalleywiki.com/Cropsall
starttime>> [Broadcasting Schedule] Live: 6pm-Midnight PDT — 2nd Run VODCast: daily 6am-Noon PDT (!2ndrun for more info) — http://mor.ag/calendar http://mor.ag/gameslistall
steamdealsWinter Steam Sales 2017 - Community picks: http://mor.ag/wintersteamsale2017all
steamsaleSteam Sale (gaben.tv) - Sales List: http://steamdb.info/sales/all
steamtradeSteam trade link: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=17221984&token=e1_UOejuall
steelseries[Support] Check out the Steelseries store: http://mor.ag/steelseries - Code for 10% off: tehmorag10all
stjude2Top donator every hour (for past hour): Choose a song for tehMorag to Karaoke & act out - Every $150: Game key in chat (Up to $1500) - Every $250: Burn or Bliss Chocolate (up to $1750) - Every $1000: Jelly Bean "Smoothie"all
stjude3Add to comment - Any donation: Song Request - Multiple of $5: Pushups, situps, jumping jacks, squats, ect.all
stjudekaraokeMorag sings Conga: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/145722752?t=01h45m12sMorag sings My Heart Will Go On: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/145722752?t=01h56m07sMorag Sings Bohemian Rhapsody: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/145722752?t=02h53m37sMorag sings Barbie Girl: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/145722752?t=03h56m03sMorag sings Never Gonna Give You Up: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/145722752?t=05h10m24sall
stjudeold#StJudePLAYLIVE time! - Partial sub revenue gets donated! (Non-gifted: T1=$1,T2=$2,T3=$5) -- Full Incentives list & donate: http://mor.ag/charity - FINAL DAYS!all
streamlineTwitch integrated PvP http://store.steampowered.com/app/252850/ check out playstreamline.com/how-to-play and playstreamline.com/controls if you have a keyall
studyHello chat, I'm researching professional streamers and their communities for my MSc. You could help me so much by filling in this survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/suchresearchwow It takes only a few minutes and there's a shiny amazon voucher up for grabs at the end of it.all
subYou can Subscribe to tehMorag here: http://mor.ag/sub | http://mor.ag/sub10 | http://mor.ag/sub25all
subathonSubathon info! -> http://unplayed.tv/info/subathonall
subsaletreeAny sub/resub/subgift/$5 tip will get a tehQ up on the tree with your name on it!all
subscribeYou can Subscribe to tehMorag here: http://mor.ag/sub --> Extra Goodies are on the Player Portal: http://mor.ag/pp (Teamspeak / Snapchat / Maps)all
subtemberALL 50% OFF TO NEW SUBS! (That have never paid for a sub) & tehMorag will gift a community sub with this offer tehCREEP - https://www.twitch.tv/subs/tehmorag -- Also subway cheers get 10% free cheers added on!all
subtubWhy is Morag in a tub? Because, why not! Every 100 subs Morag streams games from a bathtub. Today is SubTub400 and we're joined by special guest @Sereniko. Morag is wearing a golden spandex bodysuit in compliance with Twitch ToS.all
subtub300Subtub 300 VOD - https://www.twitch.tv/videos/42657553all
subtub400Subtub 400 VOD - http://www.twitch.tv/tehmorag/v/19441309all
subtub500If Morag reaches 500 subs then he will do a special #SubTub500 castall
suggestHave a tip/suggestion or want to help with the game? Wait till tehMorag asks chat directly. tehCREEP ball
sumgThis is a Pay2Sumg channel tehWall
support>> tehMorag believes in great Content that seduces your choice to support it tehO — https://subs.twitch.tv/tehMoragall
swalkDon't mind me, just taking my Sanic for a talk tehW ╯╲___ tehSJ1all
switchtehMorag Switch FC: SW-2102-2607-0048all
tacohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N48chbcGDfg Taco Song!all
tacofacePain of eating to many tacos: http://imgur.com/C23RMwMall
tastethemenuContetst of pver, Winner has been contacted and will be announced later tonight -- http://www.mainmenulive.com/event/tastethemenu.phpall
tcipThe Cup Is Pink http://ow.ly/i/2sGjyall
teamI am a Bwunnyall
tehbotYes, I am tehBotall
tehinfoNo capture of the game, but there will be stats of monsters and maps!all
tehlistDid you know the playerhood hangs on the twitters? Give a follow and check it out! (Message @SeeDRankA if we missed you wiBlush ) | https://twitter.com/SeeDRank_A/lists/tehplayerhoodlumsall
tehmoonlordPraise tehMOONLORD http://imgur.com/Iusa9Fiall
tehPOPStream - http://www.twitch.tv/popskyy -- ♪ https://soundcloud.com/popskyy/ -- http://popskyy.bandcamp.com ♪all
tehqueenALL HAIL TEHQUEEN!! http://gyazo.com/470f805129f81711fe27fef8767383b9.pngall
tehspinSpinny: http://unplayed.tv/extra/tehspin http://unplayed.tv/extra/tehspin2all
tehvideotehVideo: https://www.twitch.tv/tehmorag/v/48649434all
terrariahttp://store.steampowered.com/app/105600/Terraria/ | Modded tmodloader: http://mor.ag/tmodloader - Modpack/info: http://puu.sh/x1OPh/92c20bf45e.txtall
terraria13Terraria 1.3 changelog http://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/1-3-changelog.20617/all
test/announce messageddd
test1/announce messagedddall
test111tehS tehSO
tfarmCurrent farm: http://i.imgur.com/cIcDYY9.jpg (Thanks to Chyromyr and Songodin)all
tgtsThe Game Trailer Show' with Morag is every Saturday at 4PM PDT -- https://www.youtube.com/TheGameTrailerShow https://twitter.com/gametrailershowall
thatanimeANIME WITH A SPIRAL SHIP: Noeinall
throwmugs? ✋ - - -c[ ? _]all
timerTimer is for the 'Overtime!' stream! It is a continuation of the Sub-A-Thon from Monday. Any subs/bits/tips will add time to it (SubT1/T2/T3=5/10/30min cheer100/$1=1min "NOT A CUP" merch=10min). This will count down AFTER normal stream time of 6pm-midnight up to 6am. Next goal is 600 for a new Emote Slot.all
tipNo active tip link, send me an email: tehMail@tehMorag.tvall
tmodTerraria mod list -- tModLoader: http://mor.ag/tmodloader - Modpack/info: http://puu.sh/BEL1T/0dcee1962d.txtall
tmodsTerraria mod list -- tModLoader: http://mor.ag/tmodloader - Modpack/info: http://puu.sh/BEL1T/0dcee1962d.txtall
tmouseHow to get the Mouse Border in Terraria: http://puu.sh/iLh0p/9ea2bb1b9a.txtall
tongsWant to see Penis Tongs? Watch the movie "Swear Net"all
tpatchTerraria 1.3.1 change log - http://terraria.gamepedia.com/1.3.1all
treeSub'ing or gifting subs gets a ducky on the Ducky Tree!all
treedownAny sub/resub/giftsub will get a ducky thrown at the tree - Any cheers 1-99 will get a "light" object throw at tree - 100-499 will get "medium" object throw - 500+ will get a ducky thrown at the tree! tehCREEPall
tweet>> Support the stream by telling other people -- Today's tweet: https://twitter.com/tehMorag/status/1577472097622044673all
tweetoldSupport the stream by telling other people -- Twitter: http://mor.ag/tweet -- Facebook: http://mor.ag/fbwallall
twingeDo you love stats?! tehOW http://twinge.tv/tehmorag/all
twitchcaresIf you feel like you’re struggling, or you’ve encountered someone who you believe might self-harm or is suicidal, please contact law enforcement or a suicide hotline immediately. https://help.twitch.tv/customer/portal/articles/2904486-twitch-cares-mental-health-support-information?sf173582472=1all
twitchconMorag is away for TwitchCon! Here is what he will be doing: http://unplayed.tv/info/twitchcon -- TwitchCon Site: http://www.twitchcon.com/guest/tehmoragall
twittertwitter.com/tehmorag - Support the stream by telling other people -- Twitter: bit.ly/tehBestClickToTweet -- Facebook: bit.ly/tehClicktoWallall
upcomingThings that could be happening! - http://mor.ag/upcomingall
updateMarch 2016 Player Update - http://mor.ag/updateall
uwm?You want mod: http://imgur.com/XAZwyxaall
vibrate/me *vibrates*all
vodPast 2 months worth of VoDs - www.twitch.tv/tehMorag/profile/past_broadcastsall
vodcast2ndrun Reruns/VODcasts are replays the previous nights broadcast for the community members that missed it daily 6am-Noon PST (Could be longer if previous stream was longer)all
vodsPast 2 months worth of VoDs - www.twitch.tv/tehMorag/profile/past_broadcastsall
voxelAll Voxel games are Minecraft.all
wadeGo check out WadeAcuff's Art and awesome stuff! -- https://www.twitch.tv/wadeacuff https://www.instagram.com/wadec0/ https://twitter.com/WadeAcuffall
wakkatehO • ● • • • • • tehDOG tehCAT tehBIRDall
walkingtehW ╯╲___ tehDOGall
walloffleshI hear you need a Wall Of Flesh kill right now - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3nuIlA8VkAall
wanderMainMenu presents "Wanderlusting for Adventure!" -- Info: http://www.mainmenulive.com/event/wanderlust -- RT: https://twitter.com/MainMenuLive/status/628600022855122945all
warframeDrop are enabled! First time playing? Signup and get a 7 day boost for free :D http://mor.ag/WarframSignupall
weakWater -> Fire -> Wind -> Earth -> Waterall
websiteCheck out the New and Improved site -- http://unplayed.tvall
whatisloveThis is Love: http://unplayed.tv/extra/whatisloveall
whatismuddrTry your luck with !muddr or !supermuddr - It will ban you from 0 sec to 10min/6hr (respectively) - Can you hit the jackpot?all
wheresmoragtodayTexas for South By South Westall
whoamiYou are a []D [] []V[] []Dall
wiiuWinner of the December Wii U giveaway - xotreehuggerall
win[̲$̲(̲₳₳)̲$̲] ₳₳ YOU WIN! ₳₳ [̲$̲(̲₳₳)̲$̲]all
win10updateTo remove update update for win10 Pro: Group Policy Editor -> Computer Configuration -> Windows Settings -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Windows Update -> "Configure Automatic Updates (to Disabled)" & "No auto-update with logged on users for scheduled automatic updates installations (to Enabled)"all
winner[̲$̲(̲₳₳)̲$̲] ₳₳ YOU ARE THE WINNER! ₳₳ [̲$̲(̲₳₳)̲$̲]all
witherWhat happens when you spawn a wither http://www.twitch.tv/tehmorag/v/5763413 Part 2 : Attack on wither http://www.twitch.tv/tehmorag/v/5768922all
wofkillWall of Flesh (Yoyo only Expert) Kill - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3nuIlA8VkAall
wowWow Classic: Whitemane (PvP) Alliance - Druid (Night Elf) -- Type '/join Playherood teh' for group chatall
wowretailMorag plays on US Tichondrius (Alliance)all
wreckfestYou can check out the game for PC/PS4/XB1 here -> http://n.thq.com/GUEc30kmvbe #adall
x1618Hands smash on keyboard tehWall
xb1Xenoblade Chronicles | Wii (Emulated via Dolphin) -- HD texture pack / 60FPS code: https://forums.dolphin-emu.org/Thread-xenoblade-chronicles-hd-texture-pack-v8-4-october-13-2017all
xcomgcDonate to Gamechanges Charity org - http://xcom2isagamechanger.orgall
xcompoolCheck out the Playerhood Pool of Characters (Subs can upload) - http://unplayed.tv/xcom2/all
yatoislazyhttp://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/FTrhb/one-finger-death-punch you have to be a member of http://steamcommunity.com/groups/tehMoragUnplayedall
youtubeCheck out tehMorag on YouTube! --> http://www.youtube.com/tehMoragall
yoyosList of Yoyos in Terraria: http://terraria.gamepedia.com/Yoyosall
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